Review Request 119498: Report crashes of KDE apps in Apple OS X (2) (fix drkonqi)

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Jul 31 13:12:42 BST 2014

> On Juli 27, 2014, 11:17 vorm., Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > drkonqi/gdbhighlighter.cpp, line 74
> > <>
> >
> >     an abort is not a crash ;-)
> >     
> >     If you hit this assert, the looked up (lineNr - 1) is somehow out of bounds, ie. there's no line with a key >= (lineNr -1) in the map.
> >     
> >     This should likely never happen on any system.
> >     Can you check what the lineNr actually is as compared to
> >     
> >        qDebug() << lineNr << lines.keys();
> >        
> >     ?
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     I did at one time have a few qDebug() statements to try and find what was wrong with the algorithm. AFAICT it is trying to match one or more lines in (const QString& text) with single (possibly long) lines of backtrace in QMap<int, BacktraceLine>. I think it failed if one backtrace line was formatted into three text lines or maybe if the last backtrace line was formatted into two text lines. AFAICT (there is a real dearth of explanatory comments) the code is merely introducing pretty colours, etc. into the formatted text. As such, it should not abort Dr Konqi and lose the crash report.
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     Of course it should not crash.
>     The point is that the assert explicitly tells you that there's something wrong with the code.
>     Skippping it won't fix the issu - that's like puting duct tape over a warning sign on your cars dashboard to fix "no cooling water".
>     Since the lines map seems only used to map lines to textblocks, i assume the issue is that the lines are eg. not "\n" terminated in gdb output on OSX (no idea, though) and the only item in the map is that for the key "0"
>     In this case that'd be the issue to fix.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     Please spare me the motoring analogies. To me, the ASSERT at this point, is like bringing the car to a screeching halt or running it into the nearest fence, simply because the glovebox light will not come on. I am a real-time and O/S programmer from way back and have designed and written a few crash procedures for different systems. They need to be rugged and simple (unlike Dr Konqi IMHO) and to succeed no matter what. This used to be called failsafe programming, graceful failure or graceful degradation. If an ASSERT and abort technique has to be used in RT programming, to prevent potential database corruption, it needs to be backed by an appropriate recovery and restart procedure.
>     Actually I think lines.end() is a legitimate return from lines.lowerBound(lineNr - 1) in Dr K's algorithm (see coding examples). The lineNr can actually get ahead of the number of lines in the map by by too much, if there are several multi-line entries in QString& text. Using an ASSERT looks like lazy programming to me (Thinks: "I cannot see what to do in this case, so I'll put in an ASSERT and see if it actually happens in practice." ???). My solution is to re-use the last entry from the QMap. Another might be to use "return;" instead of the ASSERT, leaving the last bit of the highlighting incomplete, but not losing the valuable backtrace data.
>     A better (more rugged) approach might be:
>         get a line from "text"
>         if it is from the left-hand end of a backtrace entry (i.e. not a continuation line)
>             get the next backtrace entry
>             if past last entry
>                 return
>         re-format the line from "text"
>     I would have used something like that in my patch, but I do not know enough about the format of backtrace data to get the first "if" condition right. How would I?
>     Re "\n" characters, they occur as expected in the content of "QString& text" on Apple OS X.
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     If it walks and talks like a crash ... we should not end up in the discussion deadlock I once had with my boss who claimed embedded code cannot crash (because there's no OS or whatelse to replace the application code).
>     Anyway, I like Ian's suggestion to just return to the caller instead of exitting (and I concur with his lazy programming analysis).
>     So if I understood correctly, DrKonqi does some reformatting of the backtrace before including it for upload with the bug report. What I haven't understood is how important this reformatting is. Could it be a thought to cancel the reformating procedure and return with the raw text, instead of with a partly formated text, when the assert condition triggers?
>     About processing backtraces: recent OS X versions use lldb instead of gdb. How have you tackled that, Ian - added a dependency on port:gdb ?
> Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>     This is not lazy programming but programming by contract. That it reaches the lasT of lines is a bug... it should nEver happen algorithmic Ally. The bug appears to be lowerbound sage. It returns the next higher kety and I bet the orig dev assumed it would return the next lower. So... perhaps che k forst for lines.contains and if that fails the do lowerbound--. That is just from a quick read of the code. I am not familiar with this class nor do we have output from the affected system which would be rather helpful.
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     So the contractor was lazy, too lazy to specify how to handle this kind of exception? ;)
>     I suggested returning the raw text in part because it'd allow to upload the offending output from affected systems ...
>     (PS: Aaron, if you use an Android device for this kind of coding related activities, you might want to turn off auto-correction and install the Hacker's keyboard,
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     @Aaron, the author seemed aware of the lowerBound behavior, see original lines 74ff
>     The issue:
>     -------------
>     The problem here is that the lines map is build from incoming strings.
>     The key indicates the linenumber of that string in \n metrics.
>     If the last string starts at line i and has j > 1 lines (in terms of \n) and the textDocument segments lines [i,i+j] into multiple lines, there's no key >= i+k, 0 < k < j
>     -> Therefore it is required to add a dummy element with the highest "l" variable after the foreach loop in the constructor, so ::lowerBound will find this and lines 74ff will lower the iterator.
>     This is different from assuming the ::end() iterator position to indicate the post-last (what would be an option) in that it preserves the guarantee of a sane lineNr.
>     This is obviously not platform dependent, but a bug.
>     Asserts are there to detect bugs, throwing errors would probably be nicer, but troublesome on Qt (not exception safe if you let the exception escape to the eventloop)
>     On a general note:
>     -------------------
>     An assert on a logic condition is either wrong in general or there's actually a bug. Therefore it's either removed or the bug fixed.
>     "Fixing" by ignoring unpredicted conditions on "random" circumstances (and the platform /is/ random in this regard) is completely unacceptable as far as I am concerned.
>     If a module causes trouble and you're running out of time it's of course ok to skip the module and schedule the fix, but ignoring a conflict instead of analyzing it is what /I/ was tought to consider lazy :-P
>     PS:
>     ----
>     The duct tape was btw. a reference to the Simpsons - generation gap, i assume ;-)
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     @Aaron: Welcome aboard! I think it must be Akademy 2008 in Belgium since we last met. Nice to meet you again :-)
>     I have attached a log file containing (immediately before the ASSERT), (lineNr - 1), it.key() and an abbreviation of the "text" line being processed.
>     @René: Be careful who you are giving advice to... Aaron is leader of the Plasma project :-)
>     @Thomas: My sons used to watch the Simpsons. So did I, but not that regularly. I was more into Buffy the Vampire Slayer :-)
>     The ASSERT failure is definitely when the last backtrace entry has > 1 line. See the attached file. I think adding a dummy line may be the best solution. I still do not like using ASSERT and abort and losing the backtrace. How about doing the same test and adding a warning message to the outgoing backtrace text if there is any problem? Graceful failure... :-)
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     Usually an assert here would be perfectly fine, since it indicates an unpredicted (implying "invalid" in this context) state, asserts only apply when compiling in debug mode and since there's a bug, it's ok to take a core dump and cause a bugreport.
>     In the very specific context of DrKonqi however, i tend to agree that aborting the crash dialog is better to be avoided in any possible case.
>     I'd suggest to have a QMessageBox (telling the poor soul it just hit two bugs for one and how to report the second one) and immediately return in the particular case.
>     This is however up to DrKonqi maintainers (there multiple Q_ASSERT calls), maybe explicitly attach Milian to this review.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     @René: RE "About processing backtraces: recent OS X versions use lldb instead of gdb. How have you tackled that, Ian - added a dependency on port:gdb ?"
>     I haven't "tackled" it. Have a heart! But I have just established that DrKonqi can accept various debuggers via KConfig files (*rc) in share/apps/drkonqi/debuggers/internal (or .../external). I know nothing about either lldb or gdb - I never use interactive debuggers as a rule. If they are sufficiently compatible with each other, maybe someone could write a DrKonqi config file for lldb. At present, DrKonqi's options are dbx, gdb and kdbgwinrc (for Windows). Or maybe MacPorts could keep gdb around "forever", as it does for other things that Apple OS X drops.
> Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>     @Thomas: Yes, you just redescribed exactly what I did :) If the last line has more than 1 line, then it needs to not pick the NEXT member of lines, which is what lowerBound does, but lowerBound(key)--. Looking at the code, it seems this holds for all multi-line entries. So at least the fix looks easy enough: if it hits the end, then it needs to back the iterator up by one. A multi-line entry in the middle of the output should also be tested just to be certain it works as expected there (I suspect not)
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     @Ian: OK, calm down, I was just asking :)
>     @Thomas: I still haven't looked at the code, but shouldn't it work by in a way that picks up all lines of a given member of lines before moving on to the next member? Or does it, and is the last member of lines somehow treated apart?

The code maps newlines™ to QStringList offsets, ie. if you've


you'll have a map with keys 0,2,3,6

But when it reads them, it operates on QTextDocument blocks where the structure can be different, ie. firstLineNumber() can be "7".
In that case the "it = lowerBound(); --it" approach fails, because lowerBound() is now ::end() (there's no 7 and there's no next higher key either)

- Thomas

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On Juli 30, 2014, 1:04 nachm., Ian Wadham wrote:
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> (Updated Juli 30, 2014, 1:04 nachm.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X, KDE Runtime, kdelibs, and Michael Pyne.
> Repository: kde-runtime
> Description
> -------
> When a KDE app crashes in Apple OS X, it just disappears from the screen. At the most, the user is invited to report the crash to Apple. AFAIK this has been a problem in KDE on Apple OS X for years, leading to frustration with KDE among Apple users and MacPorts developers and an attitude among KDE developers of "Why does nobody report the problem(s) on"
> It is my strong belief that the failure to report crashes of KDE apps in Apple OS X also exists in Frameworks.
> So far I have identified a number of portability bugs in KDE on Apple OS X: 1 in KCrash, 1 in kdeinit4 and 5 in Dr Konqi. Three patches for Dr Konqi are submitted in this review. Patches for KCrash and kdeinit4 are submitted in part 1 of this review, against kdelibs. I am still investigating the other two problems in Dr Konqi - and there could be more than two...
> In this review we have three portability problems:
> 1. On Apple OS X, Dr Konqi's dialog box hides itself underneath the main window of the app that has just crashed, so is effectively useless. This appears to be because Dr Konqi is started by a Linux/Unix method (fork() + exec()?). If an app is started with the Apple OS X "open" command, it always appears on top. The patch just raises the dialog box.
> 2. When formatting the backtrace output, Dr Konqi crashes (with an ASSERT) on the last line. This appears to be an error in the algorithm used (i.e. also a bug in Linux KDE), but the patch is treating it as an Apple OS X portability problem for now.
> 3. Dr Konqi checks whether the user can save cookies in kcookiejar and, if not, stops reporting the crash. On Apple OS X, cookies would be kept in another browser (e.g. Safari or Firefox) and not in KDE's default browser (Konqueror) and cookie jar. IMHO, Dr K should report the crash no matter what, as long as it can connect to and log in.
> Diffs
> -----
>   drkonqi/reportassistantpages_bugzilla.cpp 86ca327 
>   drkonqi/gdbhighlighter.cpp 7cd0aa9 
>   drkonqi/main.cpp 75e060e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Using Apple OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) on a MacBook Pro, I have installed KDE libs via MacPorts (at version 4.12.5) and I have adapted kdesrc-build to run in an Apple OS X environment and used it to test against the KDE 4.13 branch. I have been testing with a KDE app that I can crash at will and using stderr and Apple OS X Console log output to determine the outcome.
> Please note that I am the -only- KDE developer who has this kind of setup, but I am NOT a KDE core developer. My experience before now has been in KDE Games. However I used to be a UNIX and database guru before I retired in 1998.
> I NEED HELP from KDE -core- developers to proceed further. These problems will also exist in Dr Konqi for KF 5, but I am as yet unable to build or test Frameworks on Apple OS X and I cannot find Dr Konqi among the Frameworks repositories. I am sure there are many more Apple OS X portability problems in Dr Konqi and other KDE software.
> Without my patches, Dr Konqi, on Apple OS X, remains invisible to the user, often fails to complete the backtrace report and then fails to connect to
> With my patches, Dr Konqi on Apple OS X can generate a full crash report, including the backtrace and the results of the dialog with the user. Sometimes, however, it fails to submit the completed report to This problem is still under investigation.
> I would not have got this far without help from Michael Pyne, Thomas Lübking and several of the MacPorts developers, as well as the unfailing enthusiasm and encouragement of my friend Marko Käning.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Log of Dr K ASSERT problem
> Thanks,
> Ian Wadham

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