Review Request 119243: Better OSX integration: native file dialogs and unified title/toolbar

RJVB Bertin rjvbertin at
Tue Jul 29 13:05:26 BST 2014

> On July 21, 2014, 7:16 a.m., Ian Wadham wrote:
> > So where are we leaving this? Any conclusions? Any solutions or further patches?
> > 
> > Should we report the inconsistent handling of Native file dialogs as a bug on (without a patch this time)?
> > 
> > If so, against what "product" should we report it (i.e. where a KDE developer will be listening)?
> > 
> > I agree with Thomas that "kfiledialog://" should be evaluated before deciding whether it is a local file.
> > 
> > I notice also, that in the "condition" that keeps occurring ((!startDir.isValid() || startDir.isLocalFile()), the isValid() method seems to be inherited from QUrl class and maybe isLocalFile() is too.
> > 
> > It seems odd that a possible condition for invoking QFileDialog methods should be that the QUrl is invalid. Perhaps there used to be an isValid() in KUrl with a different meaning.
> > 
> > It's all very confusing. Who can sort it out?
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     dfaure (assined to the kio framework)
>     kfiledialog.cpp would require a general cleanup, but it's in kde4support now, so the predominant question is whether it makes any sense to spend time on this at all.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     The following change by dfaure (David Faure) says it all. KFileDialog is now deprecated in favour of QFileDialog. 
>     When/if all uses of KFileDialog in KDE apps are replaced by uses of QFileDialog, all their file dialogs should become Native on all platforms.
>     Unfortunately, the above change has not been entered into so I do not know how KDE apps authors like me would normally become aware of it. I did check the Porting Notes carefully before entering into this discussion and I have just checked them again. If they had been up-to-date on this issue, that could have saved us all a lot of time on this review!
>     With the Randa sprint coming up soon (and hopefully lots of KDE apps porting being done), I would suggest that the Porting Notes get re-read in their entirety by the authors and updated soon, to catch this and any other missing bits, if that is not already happening.
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     I came across another application that could be an interesting testbed; Skrooge. Despite the patches in this RR it opens a KDE style dialog. Additionally, it looses the whole (mac style) menubar, definitely, after opening a dialog but also after alt-tabbing to another application. This is probably unrelated but then again maybe not completely.

> the predominant question is whether it makes any sense to spend time on this at all.

That would depend on what's in the future for KDE on OS X / under MacPorts, specifically how long we're going to be stuck on 4.12 or 4.1x releases.

As far as I'm concerned, we could try to reach some concensus on how to iron out any remaining kinks in the patches, so I can create a MacPorts ticket to create a kdelibs4 specific "variant".

In that context, someone wrote
> Other than that it looks ok. Please update the patch though.

but there are so many comments and remarks by now that I have no idea what should be changed. Remember that I'm not a KDE developer and all I did in the 1st place was update and "package" a series of modifications someone made in 2011 without any form of documentation at all.


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On July 14, 2014, 8:15 p.m., Marko Käning wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 14, 2014, 8:15 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X, kdelibs, Christoph Feck, Ian Wadham, and RJVB Bertin.
> Bugs: 337356
> Repository: kdelibs
> Description
> -------
> This bundles both patches submitted by René J.V. Bertin in the associated issue
> Diffs
> -----
>   kdeui/widgets/kmainwindow.cpp 85beaccdb6f123d2996b8c2b5e38435265c63ff8 
>   kio/kfile/kfiledialog.h 2b11796897ff095279e7c254a383a9e8e323ea0f 
>   kio/kfile/kfiledialog.cpp 4005ba304a18b59572cc1aece3fcd122ce05fda9 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> See issue for more info from René.
> ---
> I myself haven't yet tested this. Will report back as soon as I got to it.
> Thanks,
> Marko Käning

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