Qt 5.3 to log all debug/warning/error messages to journald on systemd systems

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Tue Jan 21 16:22:09 GMT 2014

2014/1/21 Thiago Macieira <thiago at kde.org>:
> On terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2014 13:55:15, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>> One thing that may concern me is how to clean the system from debugging
>> messages then. Sometimes applications go rogue on qDebug() (recent example
>> the message from QPainter in Qt5, which has just been fixed), so the
>> journal will end up pretty big, and also in the home directory.
>> I like how it's easy to delete all that spam with just one file. I would not
>> quite like it to end up on my / partition, since that one is usually pretty
>> small, and it can prevent the system from booting when the journal is
>> filled up.
> Most people don't know how to clean ~/.xsession-errors either. The best and
> easiest way to clean it is to log out and then log in again. Deleting the file
> is *not* enough, since it stays existing until the last application using it
> exits.
> The correct way to shrink the file while running is:
>         echo > ~/.xsession-errors
> But no, I don't know how to clean the journal log. That's a good question.
You could use the journald configuration to set the journal to an
exact/relative size (by default it takes 10% of the disk space).
A hardcore method to clean it would be
 find /var/log/journal -name "*.journal~" -exec rm {} \;
which should wipe the whole journal (caution, I never tried that!)

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