Facebook Flint vis-à-vis Krazy

vivo75 at gmail.com vivo75 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 02:47:53 GMT 2014

Il 02/12/2014 21:40, Allen Winter ha scritto:
> Howdy,
> Today I was informed that Facebook has a tool similar in concept to Krazy, called Flint [1]
> You might want to read [1] and let me know if there are any checkers listed there that
> you'd like to see added to Krazy.  Krazy already does many of the Flint checks,
> but I'm interested in new ideas.
> [1] https://code.facebook.com/posts/729709347050548/under-the-hood-building-and-open-sourcing-flint/
> vis-à-vis
>  in relation to; with regard to
>  as compared with; as opposed to.
Dunno if it's already done, but checking the ABI mutations between
releases would be interesting:
alas http://ispras.linuxbase.org/index.php/ABI_compliance_checker

(I'm doing this with Gentoo but yet have to add a check when upgrading

Francesco Riosa

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