Review Request 117157: Unlock session via DBus

Valentin Rusu kde at
Fri Apr 4 01:20:28 BST 2014

On Sunday, March 30, 2014 05:25:58 PM Michael Pyne wrote:

> In fact the list of folders and keys present in KWallet (though
> not their values) can be queried without unlocking KWallet, or even causing
> it to prompt to unlock.

AFAIK, all data access operations on KWallet require it to be opened first 
(KWallet::openWallet). That will surely trigger password prompt for legacy 
encrypted wallets. The GPG back-end wallets only trigger pin entry the first 
time, subsequent requests would simply open the wallet, as GPG private key is 
already unlocked.

Could you please elaborate more on the possibility to enumerate the keys 
without opening the wallet?

Valentin Rusu
irc: valir
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