Review Request 113779: KInfocenter/OpenGL: fix ReadPipe() in the case that the command cannot be run

Rolf Eike Beer kde at
Sun Nov 10 08:11:25 GMT 2013

> ReadPipe() doesn't return 0 as expected in the case that the command is not
> found. but the length of sh's output which is "command not found" in this
> case. This is because popen() does not fail if the command is not found,
> because it _can_ run "sh". (according to the man page, popen calls "/bin/sh
> -c command") To fix this, ReadPipe() should check the return code of the
> call to pclose() (see "man pclose"), and return 0 if this is not equal to
> 0.

Can't this be ported to simply use QProcess instead?

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