Adopting AppData in KDE?

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Wed Nov 6 21:38:38 GMT 2013

On 6 November 2013 20:51, T.C. Hollingsworth <tchollingsworth at> wrote:
> For instance, in Fedora we're probably going to be stuck with having
> AppData included as SourceN files in SRPMs for quite some time.

No, if this is the case then I've failed. I want the AppData files to
live upstream, controlled and modified by the maintainers, and
translated by the upstream translators. I'm only accepting files into
fedora-appstream that have been sent upstream while we're waiting for
a new upstream release. For instance:

> dump it in Fedora's transifex instance, and get them
> back out and working in GNOME Software and Apper with minimal
> difficulty.

No, this isn't a Fedora "problem", this is an upstream feature. If we
hide all the translations in Fedora then we're no better than
canonical with the Ubuntu Software Center application data.

> Also, I suspect that you don't want GNOME Software in other languages
> to be a hairball of that language and English forever, so you're
> probably going to want to turn off display of apps that aren't
> translated at some point.

That wasn't in my plans, no.


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