Adopting AppData in KDE?

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Wed Nov 6 13:00:13 GMT 2013

On Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 12:55:40, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 6 November 2013 08:55, Kevin Krammer <krammer at> wrote:
> > Do you expect to support partial translations? I.e. one paragraph
> > translated, followed by an untranslated one?
> Sure, we support that. Imagine the following paragraphs in locale C:
> <p>This is what the color management program does:</p>
> <ul><li>It's awesome</li></ul>
> And translating that to en_GB, I only need to translate the first
> paragraph ("color" -> "colour"). The same thing happens all the time
> with the other languages based on other languages, e.g. pt_BR and that
> kind of thing.

Hmm, well the GB tranlator could just copy the string.

It just looked a lot like HTML and certain things don't make the same sense in 
all languages, e.g. <b> does not necessarily apply to east asian glyphs and 
translators would need to be able to change that to something else.

But I guess you don't have any actual markup in there, so no need to allow 
translators to change it.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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