Adopting AppData in KDE?

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Tue Nov 5 17:42:28 GMT 2013

On 5 November 2013 17:37, Todd <toddrjen at> wrote:
>> Define ChangeLog? You mean what changed between versions?
> Yes, as well as the version number and date, probably.

I'd be open to ideas about this. Can you file an issue and we can talk
about possible ideas there.

>> In this case you can specify the mimetypes in the desktop file.
> Yes, if you know beforehand what mimetypes your application will support.
> But this isn't always the case.

I don't think AppData can help you there.

> Couldn't you just set another type for those?  Or, if the literal file name
> is not present, add a .desktop extension?  Anyway, although it is present in
> the example, this should probably be made explicit in the description.

Patches welcome :) The website source is in the appdata-tools repo as well.

> The specification can be updated, though, right?  Can't new fields and
> valuetypes be added for those things?  It is a choice between extending an
> existing spec or creating an entirely new one.

Can you give an example of how you would squish a 3 paragraph, 100
word description with a few bullet points (translated into 7
languages) into a desktop file?


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