Adopting AppData in KDE?

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Tue Nov 5 08:28:08 GMT 2013

On 4 November 2013 21:29, Weng Xuetian <wengxt at> wrote:
> It's not about NoDisplay, plasmoids is a kind of widgets on KDE desktop, it
> also use desktop file to store metadata, though it's not sit in
> share/applications but some kde private folder. But each small widget is like
> an small application.

Then I suppose it makes sense to ship an AppData file. How does a
plasmoid register itself as available? I'll likely have to create a helper in the appstream extractor code.

> Can AppData handle such case?

Sure. The only thing not covered in AppData for this case is an icon,
but that would be a very easy adjustment to the specification.

> Is it possible for an application not providing any screenshot?

Sure, screenshots are a nice-to-have not mandatory.


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