Review Request 110328: Add config option to silently create initial password-less wallet

Daniel Nicoletti dantti12 at
Mon May 6 17:59:07 BST 2013

He probably only thought about the extra QString() which Pino just
prove it's useless, I was with lamarque because of the Krazy
check but this one is indeed crazy :P
Maybe QLatin1String("") can be better than just "" in this case

2013/5/6 Eike Hein <eikehein at>:
>> $ grep -A1 QString::clear /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qstring.h
>> inline void QString::clear()
>> { if (!isNull()) *this = QString(); }
> Fun - the "and makes it empty" part in the QString docs sure makes it sound
> like it's going to make it non-null, I guess that's what Lamarque thought.
> OK, so back to revision 1 in that case.
> Cheers,
> Eike

Daniel Nicoletti

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