KSaveFile, QSaveFile, QFile

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sun Mar 24 10:21:17 GMT 2013

On Thursday 21 March 2013 19:02:13 David Faure wrote:
> I'm afraid it's one or the other:
> * safe code, always a working file available, but hardlinks get splitted up
> * possibility to corrupt the existing file, but a backup exists; hardlinks
> are  kept.

OK, bug number 2, saving into a non-writable directory, also leads to the 
above issue: no way to use the "safe code".

So I implemented direct-overwrite for the case of a non-writable directory.
If this is approved, then the same solution could be used to preserve 
hardlinks.... and to preserve the owner if different from the current user, for 
bug number 3.

In bug number 2 there was a suggestion of "finding another writable directory 
in the same partition and moving the file from there", but it seems rather 
difficult to find such a directory in general, and it wouldn't help with bugs 1 
and 3 anyway.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

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