kdev-python move to extragear -- once more

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Tue Mar 12 10:45:29 GMT 2013

On Tuesday 12 March 2013 10:57:57 Pino Toscano wrote:
> Hi,
> Alle sabato 9 marzo 2013, Sven Brauch ha scritto:
> > considering kdev-python is only using the Parser part of python, this
> > is actually all that has changed in the two years between 2.7.1 and
> > 2.7.3:
> > http://paste.kde.org/691184/
> > As far as I can see, there's not a single change which would affect
> > the behavior of kdev-python in any way. And I do not expect such
> > changes to happen in further maintenance releases -- after all,
> > they're maintenance releases for fixing bugs, and the Python 2.7
> > *parser* code does not exactly have hundreds of bugs. And, since
> > Python 2 is dead anyways, no non-maintenance releases are going to
> > happen.
> And the rest of the Python library API, like the stuff in Python/* and
> Object/*?

Afaik: That is semantically analized to extract information like 
documentation, code completion information etc. pp. Comparable to 
phpfunctions.php in the kdev-php plugin.

Sven, can you confirm that?

> > If it was only about this -- I could easily keep the fork updated
> > with the 2.7.x releases. But, as said, I don't really see a point,
> > since it's not going to affect kdev-python anyways. I see even less
> > reason for why anyone other than me should ever want to do such an
> > update, since it will most likely be a) irrelevant for  kdev-python
> > or b) do some changes which would actually affect kdev-python, but
> > would then need updates to kdev-python itself since it's very
> > tightly integrated with the parser code.
> Bugs, leaks, and any kind of issue don't need to "affect kdev-python" to
> be problematic.
> Assuming you need to cherry-pick later some bugfix from python 2.7.x,
> what do you do if that backporting cannot be done because the code has
> changed in the meanwhile, and your code is still years behind?

I thought the big concern here is security? Any "mundane" bugs like leaks etc. 
pp. don't need to be any of your concern here, or? I mean assuming Sven 
updates the checkout regularily these will be fixed eventually. I'd simply see 
it as a bug in kdev-python. And comparing that to the amount of bugs you'd get 
by writing your own python parser it is probably a good pick.

Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de
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