cxx11-cmake-modules in kdereview

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Fri Mar 1 22:11:53 GMT 2013

> Why do you need that? Are you adding source files conditionally, depending
> on whether the compiler supports certain features?

Yes, as I said, the library builds with any C++ compiler, but the service 
requires at least gcc 4.5 equivalent feature set.

The service can not use #error since that would mean that the whole build 
failed even if the library is compilable and /usable/ without it.

> #ifdef and make dummies of what doesn't work.

Making dummies for everything is definitely not the solution that I'd consider 
cleaner than having the cmake tests.

> I meant that if Qt thinks the compiler does not support initializer lists,
> you can't use initializer lists with QList and QVector.

Ok, in that case the below doesn't apply.

> > Though, from my POV it is both great and bad - great to be able to know
> > what Qt supports, but bad if I don't intend to use the features in Qt
> > that depend on NXXX feature of the compiler, but I need it for my code.


So much complexity in software comes from trying to make
one thing do two things.
  -- Ryan Singer

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