Proposal for branching policy towards KF5

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Sun Jul 21 10:13:43 BST 2013

On Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013 05:04:10 CEST, Michael Pyne wrote:
> On Fri, July 19, 2013 00:21:21 David Faure wrote:
>> After more live discussion with Sebas and Marco plus Aaron over a video
>> chat, we came up with the following setup for the workspace repos (*) :
>> Adding a similar generic selection for qt5/kf5, we would end up giving 3
>> options to people who compile from sources: stable, 
>> latest-qt4, or qt5/kf5-
>> based. ...
>> <implementation>
>> Michael: I see two ways this could be done in kdesrc-build. 
>> Either with the
>> selection layers being defined by the projects XML and some 
>> additional magic
>> in branch selection to allow for these new names, or with a much more
>> low-tech solution: 3 available files to include from 
>> kdesrc-buildrc, like ...
> Well there's a 3rd method as well, which is to add a separate 
> metadata file to 
> the kde-build-metadata repository which maps each git repository to its 
> appropriate branch for each of the 3 categories.

git symbolic-ref refs/heads/NEXT refs/heads/master
or for workspace/libs
git symbolic-ref refs/heads/NEXT refs/heads/KDE/4.11

eventually also
git symbolic-ref refs/heads/CURRENT refs/heads/KDE/4.11

and then at some point
git symbolic-ref --delete refs/heads/CURRENT
git symbolic-ref refs/heads/CURRENT refs/heads/KDE/4.12

But i don't know how this will exactly behave on remote/local conditions (ie. whether you get a local symref if the remote is one)


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