Proposal for branching policy towards KF5

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Fri Jul 19 16:42:14 BST 2013

On Friday, July 19, 2013 00:21:21 David Faure wrote:
> After more live discussion with Sebas and Marco plus Aaron over a video
> chat,  we came up with the following setup for the workspace repos (*) :
> (*) kde-workspace, plasma-frameworks, please complete this list if there
> are  more.

The following also belong into the workspace category:

* kdeplasma-addons
* declarative-plasmoids
* kde-runtime

These ones I'm unsure about:
* kdebase-artwork
* kde-wallpapers
* kmix
* kscreen
* libkscreen
* bluedevil
* libbluedevil
* bluedevil
* activitymanager
* *libdbusmenu-qt (special case, since it comes from launchpad / bazaar)
* lightdm-kde
* nepomuk-core
* nepomuk-widgets
* share-like-connect
* networkmanagement (+libs, need to ask Lamarque which repos those are 

I'll dig a bit deeper to make sure we're complete.

Sidenote: It's interesting to look at the rapture lines between apps and 
workspace. :)

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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