Review Request 108592: Added some more operations in analitza

Laszlo Papp lpapp at
Sun Jan 27 16:11:26 GMT 2013

This thread reminds me the name of the very useful "assimp" library. :-)


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Thomas Lübking
<thomas.luebking at>wrote:

> On Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013 12:16:39 CEST, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>  Analyze etc. is fine, but wordplays starting with "anal" and ending
>> somewhat like a female first name sound strange to me.
>> But it's ok if that's just me, no big thing.
> Worse is that it's also
> But frankly:
> either worrying about "ana-lyze" being near "anal"[1] or "Kant" being
> pronounced as "cunt" is equally infantile rubbish. (ie. imo asking to
> rename Kant -to Kate- was wrong in the first place)
> Stuff like "Ur-anus" or "Annalen der Physik" is funny when you're 10, but
> then you grow up and... well - that's it.
> If one wanted to avoid any of this incidents, one would better stop
> talking.
> (female co-worker once got *really* upset when a japanese client greeted
> her... - for non germans: "moshi moshi" sounds alot like "muschi muschi" -
> "pussy pussy" ... it was not as funny as it might sound)
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> [1] Can we still sue ancient greece (analyse) and romans (anus) for these
> unfortunate words which lead to confusion later on, when some extra smart
> ppl. called a part of the human body after ("haha"...) a completely
> unrelated thing (or another, depending on the plural variant) because they
> were not all that smart and their latin pretty weak?
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