Moving Baloo and Baloo-widgets into KDE SC

Àlex Fiestas afiestas at
Fri Dec 27 17:16:14 GMT 2013

On Wednesday 25 December 2013 01:13:33 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> On Tuesday, 24. December 2013. 22.03.28 Àlex Fiestas wrote:
> > As I see it, the nepomuk maintainer says it works better than Nepomuk for
> > all cases covered by SC. I don't see any reason not to move forward then.
> The truthfulness of Vishesh's claim does not enter into it. If we believe it
> (and I do), it works better *only* for the things that are ported to it.
> What of applications that are not ([1] as an example of a 3rd party app)?

Users that wants to continue using Nepoogle can continue to do so, worse case 
scenario will have two things indexing files, one of them will be really fast 

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