Moving Baloo and Baloo-widgets into KDE SC
Thomas Lübking
thomas.luebking at
Tue Dec 24 18:57:17 GMT 2013
On Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013 19:29:11 CEST, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 Dec 2013 13:06:55 Christoph Feck wrote:
>> How does Baloo cooperate with Nepomuk? Note that we have ABI
>> guarantees, so if the metadata is not shared between running instances
>> of two services, but applications would have to be ported to the new
>> ABI, then you cannot introduce Baloo in KDE 4.x, but only for KF5.
> I'm confused on how not sharing metadata = ABI break? Could you please
> elaborate?
If baloo can neither coexist with and talk to nepomuk, nor is 100% ABI compatible on clientlib (wrapper?) side, it cannot just replace nepomuk.
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