Progress notifications questions

Rolf Eike Beer kde at
Thu Apr 4 11:31:04 BST 2013

Am 04.04.2013 11:31, schrieb Mirko Boehm:
> Hi guys,
> Danimo and I have been working on desktop progress feedback for 
> Creator
> in Plasma desktop and Unity. See the attached screenshot for the 
> current
> state. After discussions in #kde-devel, I implemented an adapted KJob
> and used KUiServerJobTracker to talk to the notification area. So far,
> so good, bu there are some specific questions:
> Have a look at platform_plasmaplugin.cpp here:
> - in the first screen shot (the one numbered 2 ;-) ), how can I set a
> displayed text next to the Qt Creator icon? I would like to show the
> project name and the current operation (build/rebuild/clean/...).
> - The tooltip for the notification area shows "1 running job (0b/s)".
> That is of course nonsense, since this is not an I/O operation. How 
> can
> I get it to display "1 running job (32% done)"?
> - Is there a way to show detail text for an operation? Something like
> the number of warnings and errors?

emit description(...)

Eike, still waiting for bug 312796 and 311413 to get any developer 

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