Fwd: KActivities library optimizations

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Mon Sep 3 16:55:39 BST 2012

On Monday, September 03, 2012 13:31:47 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Hi,
> The latest master of libkactivities caches and pre-fetches some stuff like
> the currentActivity, list of activities, list of running activities,
> activity names and icons, to minimise the amount of d-bus related locks*.
> What do you think of the idea to go one step further, and instead of
> accessing the data via d-bus, to only use d-bus for signalling the changes,
> but to use QSharedMemory for actual data access (read-only from the
> library). This would remove any blocking while accessing the data, unless
> I'm missing some important fact about QSharedMemory which makes it
> undesired.
> (I don't see it much in our code)

It adds a lot of things you'd need to be careful about (e.g. how to ensure the 
data is still in shared memory between when the signal is sent and when the 
DBus slots are finally called and processed, naming the key for the memory 
segment, etc.), but the idea is sound.

 - Michael Pyne
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