new WebP image plugin (kimgio) and cmake question

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Sat Sep 1 12:20:08 BST 2012

Hi Martin,

On Saturday, 2012-09-01, Martin Koller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've implemented a new kimgio plugin for the WebP image format.
> read/write with variable quality is supported.
> I hope you can help me with the following questions:
> - how do I have to change the CMakeLists.txt file, so that this new plugin
> is optional depending on if the libwebp headers are installed ? cmake does
> not offer a FindWebP module and I know nearly nothing about cmake
> - how can I add a new MIME Type for image/x-webp ?

Can't help you with the other things, but for that see 

> - given that this is in kdelibs, in which branch could I commit this ?

Given that this is a plugin, does it have to be done as a patch to kdelibs?


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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