Review Request: Device notifier: show mounted device and path

Jacopo De Simoi wilderkde at
Fri Oct 12 20:02:45 BST 2012

On Friday 12 October 2012 15:56:18 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Friday, October 12, 2012 13:42:35 Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
> > This tooltip looks really odd and out of place this way.:/
> > The transparency effect does not look good here. I would like to know how
> > to disable it too, there is this bug against the QML shutdown dialog with
> > the same problem:
> No, I'm not talking about the translucency, I'm talking about having a
> tooltip on top of a popup, that's weird (and IMO a showstopper).

Well, the notifier already shows several tooltips as it is now.
- one appearing when hovering over the device icon
- one appearing when hovering over the mount/unmount action
- one appearing when hovering over the capacity bar

People were complaining about icons not being informative enough, hence we had 
to add tooltips here and there :/

Any suggestion to improve the current state is most welcome :)


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