kio and frameworks 5

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Sat May 12 10:34:03 BST 2012

Am 11.05.2012 22:33, schrieb Casper Clemence:
> I'm want to start a discussion, put an idea out there. I am also being
> pushy, on someone else's behalf.
> Although it may be a difficult discussion I think it would be a great
> shame to miss the opportunity to have it. I'm not trying to tell anyone
> to "do it this way".
> Please excuse me for saying "we" when I have not contributed to KDE as a
> developer, I tied myself in knots trying to write in the third person
> and gave up.
> Preamble over.
> The discussions is this "what part should libferris take in the refresh
> of KIO in KDE Frameworks 5?"
> Ben Martin really should be involved in any discussion of a redesign at
> the very least. He clearly has put a lot of work and thought into
> virtual filesystems and has created something quite unique.
> Libferris is an awesome piece of technology. It provides not just the
> traditional features of a VFS but a uniform method of access for
> applications and users to a large and expanding range of things. It has
> been demonstrated to work on maemo and as a Plasma DataEngine and has a
> web service interface. The rate at which Ben is able to turn out new
> capabilities for libferris also suggests it is well written and easy to
> develop.
> A uniform method of access for applications makes developing cool new
> stuff easier. A uniform method of access for users leads means a
> powerful tool to do what you want with your data, browsing a database in
> your file browser and dragging and dropping data around.
> So there are three points I want to suggest:
> (1) Speak to Ben about the possible developments of kio
> (2) learn from libferris
> (3) consider adopting libferris wholesale
> Possibly the biggest pain point with adopting libferris wholesale is
> that libferris indexes and KDE already has an indexer in strigi.
> But before the idea of adopting it wholesale into kdelibs is thrown out
> we should ask whether the difficulty of solving any issues we have with
> it really are greater than the difficulty of writing - and the advantage
> of those features libferris has which would never get written into kio.
> Libferris can already talk to soprano and Nepomuk, perhaps it should be
> considared whether allowing libferris to take over from strigi could
> actually be a good thing. Integration of the indexer into the VFS seems
> quite smart especially when the VFS knows how to read the structure of
> documents as well as index the text and metadata. I don't think that it
> is an easy question, whether or not it is worth it can only be answered
> by looking into it in technical detail, even trying it out.
> -------
> I hope this was a useful conversation to start and I am not just being
> an ignorant user butting in on the development mailing list.

Just a short question:
How far is windows support for libferris?


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