Review Request: include KolorManager in kdegraphics

Lamarque V. Souza lamarque at
Wed Mar 14 16:57:30 GMT 2012

Em Wednesday 14 March 2012, Thomas Zander escreveu:
> On Wednesday 14 March 2012 16.39.00 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > > Colord - just to mention that - is also not a GNOME project, it's a
> > > FreeDesktop project. (Doesn't mean it's "standard", but does mean that
> > > it's not GNOME)
> > 
> > Well, no, having something on doesn't mean it's not a
> > gnome project;
> Little semantic confusion here :)
> He said it *IS*  a freedesktop project.  Which means it is not a gnome
> project, which seems to me to be true.

	That controversional. Do you know how freedesktop is working in the last 
years? If you did then you would not say that.
> > it is a gnome project, and it's widening its scope. The
> > reason it's used at all is that is is used inside gnome.
> Projects should be judged on merit, irregardless of who pushes it.
> If gnome is using it and that makes it grow acceptance, thats a good thing
> in my book.  Why; *because* acceptance is growing. I don't care if its
> gnome or any other player pushing it.
> That said; Cups also depends on colord. And IMO that has a bigger impact
> than the gnome components that pull it in.

	I use cups here and no colord.

Lamarque V. Souza
KDE's Network Management maintainer
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