Can we please have an updated and confirmed working "build KDE from source as separate user"?

Mark markg85 at
Thu Jan 5 15:03:53 GMT 2012

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Sebastian Kügler <sebas at> wrote:

> On Monday, January 02, 2012 18:37:43 Mark wrote:
> > Oke, i don't get it..
> >
> >
> > .profile gets sources in interactive login shell (kdm?)
> > .bashrc gets sourced in shells.
> >
> > I have my environment edits in .profile yet it still tried to run
> programs
> > from /usr... instead of /home... Why?
> Put it into ~/.kde4/env/
> --
> sebas
> | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

I did exactly that and it doesn't change one thing. It still reads from /usr

[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$ kde4-config --localprefix
[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$ kde4-config --path exe
[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$

I added my "" to .kde/env/ and still nothing.

[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$ echo $PATH
[kde-devel at Mark-Linux ~]$

I also wonder.. We have:

WHY isn't KDM just freaking using .xprofile?
KDM's own "Xsession" file contains this:

[ -f /etc/xprofile ] && . /etc/xprofile
[ -f $HOME/.xprofile ] && . $HOME/.xprofile

so it should just read that.

Yes, i'm really irritated by KDE at the moment. Specially if i just want to
make a darn dolphin patch!
How can i FORCE KDE to read the bin's from /home first?
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