Changing HEAD in kdelibs.git
Eike Hein
hein at
Mon Jan 2 06:42:51 GMT 2012
Does anyone object to sysadmin changing HEAD in
kdelibs.git to point to the 4.8 branch, so that a
simple clone of the repo results in a checkout of
that branch?
With kdelibs master being outdated the master
branches of our other modules may not build against
it (e.g. kde-workspace currently won't build against
kdelibs master or the 4.7 branch due to relying on
a new enum value) and we have tons of outdated build
documentation that makes no mention of master not
being good enough. For that matter, even if someone
had taken care to document the need to checkout 4.7
after clone, I'm willing to bet it wouldn't have
been updated now that plans have changed and we
actually made a 4.8 branch (I just fixed the kde-
src-build sample config because it hadn't been up-
dated yet).
Best regards,
Eike Hein
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