Review Request: kjs: Allow keywords as object propertynames

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at
Tue Feb 28 02:04:05 GMT 2012

Thanks for the patch.

I don't think that this is a good approach. Spec-wise, what permits
keywords to be used in a few spots is not just the production
MemberExpression ::= MemberExpression . IdentifierName and likewise
for CallExpression (where IdentifierName matches both our
IdentifierOrKeyword and our Identifier) but also the PropertyName ::=
IdentifierName production, which occurs in other contexts -- in
particular object literals.  And you can't say that a reserved word is
an identifier after a {, but
{ if : 42 } is legal! I think it would be both more general and
cleaner to add a new non-terminal to our syntactic grammar
corresponding to IdentifierName and then use it in spots where the
ES5.1 grammar calls for it.

Hope this helps,

On 2/23/12, Bernd Buschinski <b.buschinski at> wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Review request for kdelibs.
> Description
> -------
> For kjs,
> Allow keywords as object propterynames, like:
>     var tokenCodes  = {};
>     tokenCodes.null = 0;
>     tokenCodes.true = 1;
> This fixes 24 ecmascript262 tests
> 7.6.1-2-1 to 7.6.1-2-12
> and
> 7.6.1-6-1 to 7.6.1-6-12
> Diffs
> -----
>   kjs/lexer.cpp e89de5f
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> tested with ecmascript262 (until konq hits the freeze bug), no new fails
> Thanks,
> Bernd Buschinski

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