rekonq 2 merged in rekonq main repository

andrea diamantini adjam7 at
Sun Dec 16 17:41:31 GMT 2012

Hi all,
just a brief announce here saying that finally rekonq 2 code has been
merged in rekonq main repository. It's really not 100% new code, but I'll
be glad you can find one moment to review it.
Keys news I'll be glad to hear comments and hints about are:
- kwebapp remove and code reorganization to use the same web classes in all
the situations (check the webtab/ dir about)
- kmainwindow remove and session reimplementation (copied from kmainwindow)
in the "rekonqwindow" class (based now on qwidget, "ready" for the QML
transition, tabwindow/ dir).
- New private browsing mode (NOT based on KIO, as it seems our cookiejar is
not enough "malleable" for it. At least in kde4)

Hope you can help us let rekonq rock.


Andrea Diamantini

rekonq project
IRC: rekonq at freenode
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