Review Request: Remember current desktop when changing activity

Michail Vourlakos mvourlakos at
Sat Aug 18 19:42:33 BST 2012

Στις 18/08/2012 08:25 μμ, ο/η Rolf Eike Beer έγραψε:
> Am Samstag, 18. August 2012, 20:19:55 schrieb makism:
>> Yeah i read a bug report about this (new) behavior. It would be fair to
>> support all perceptions of activities (because of their abstract meaning).
>> Ivan mentioned that in @4.10 there will be a KCM for activities, i believe
>> that we could add some kind of an option.
> As I said: adding it to just a config file first would be fine with me.
> Eike

I dont want to intrude, I just want to ask a question, is the following 
corresponds to your spesific workflow?
it's going to be released in about a month...


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