RFC: i18n: strict translation call-to-catalog mapping

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Wed Apr 4 20:25:10 BST 2012

On Wednesday 04 April 2012 21.11.22 Chusslove Illich wrote:
> > First, any Qt tr call has a context (typically the class name), am I
> > correct that i18n() still does the same thing?
> It doesn't: context is added manually, when judged or reported to be
> needed. (And this is how it always was.)

Just to be clear; I  am talking about the 'context' as used in the first 
argument to QCoreApplication::translate() method.

Having the frameworks-libs always specify that (you can probably write a unit 
test that fails if this is not done) sounds like the best solution to me.

Then any app string will never resolve to a string in any framework.
Thomas Zander

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