libkactivities moved to kactivities repository

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Sep 16 11:10:07 BST 2011

On Wednesday, September 14, 2011 18:34:21 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 September 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > hi...
> > 
> > the library in kdelibs/experimental/libkactivities has been moved to a
> > separate git repository: kactivities.
> the same thing should be done in kde-runtime, i gave a quick look to the
> defferences between active-development/4.7 , active-development/master and
> master, the diffs are attached.
> now seems that the difference between active-development/4.7 and KDE/4.7 is
> much bigger than active-development/master and master, partly is obvious
> because all undel plasma/ is already in master as well, at least i taken
> care of that for my commits,
> but there is also a bigger difference in the activitymanager.
> now, are all patches related to the activitymanager that are in active-
> development/4.7 in active-development/master as well?
> Ivan: do you remember if all your changes in activitymanager are both in 4.7
> and master branches of a-d?

there are three sets of changes in there: activitymanager, nepomuk and plasma.

the nepomuk one first, since that's the smallest: it's a patch to 
nepomuk/ontologies/kext.trig .. it's seems to be things for activitymanager. 
can these be packaged with activitymanager itself? or must it be part of the 
nepomuk runtime package? (i'm thinking of a possible resolution where nepomuk 
runtime is install first, and then activitymanager is..)

activitmanager: this should simply be moved into the kactivities module. the 
consensus from Platform 11 was that runtime components that are tightly 
coupled to a given library should travel with it in the same repository. i'm 
still only 80% convinced of this, but consensus overrules that ;) this 
resolves that issue cleanly, though it will create the awkward situation for 
using kactivities with kde-runtime 4.7 of a file in kde-runtime being 
overwritten by one in kactivities ... still, it's what we ought to do for the 
long term. we could perhaps, with packager approval, remove activitymanager 
from kde-runtime/4.7 and require the use of the kactivities repo instead.

the plasma changes look like they should simply be merged over.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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