[proposal] KSecretsService components moving from playground

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Oct 31 14:48:51 GMT 2011

it's hallloween .. let's reanimate a dead thread to celebrate! ;)

On Wednesday, October 12, 2011 00:24:00 Valentin Rusu wrote:
> The code is not yet fully mature, all the components are not yet
> finished, but the main parts are there and it is now possible to have
> secrets stored in KSecretsService and konqi or microblog successfully
> getting them upon session start. There is a checkbox in the KDE Wallet
> configuration tool that switch KWAllet API to KSecretsService when
> checked. It will be left unchecked for the next release.

in KSecretsService, metatypes are initialized like this:


this is a problem because it does not include the namespace. which afaik means 
that code that wishes to use this needs to first do:

	using namespace KSecretsService;

somewhere in the code before using these metatypes. this is not good as it 
pretty much destroys the point of having a namespace :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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