Fwd: [Boost-users] [C++ Now! 2012] Call for Submissions
João Abecasis
joao.abecasis at nokia.com
Mon Oct 31 09:23:12 GMT 2011
Hello people,
I have been to two BoostCon's so far and have friends in that community. Hartmut being one of them ;-)
The last time I was there, in 2010, I gave a high-level talk on bridging Boost and Qt. In general, I think the Boost community is very open to this kind of things and most of all people interested in contributing code and work -- as are we!
I can also see why they'd want to generalize the theme of the conference since it has always been very much about C++, present and future. The conference is usually highly technical in nature driven by and for developers, being accommodating for the C++ gurus and the rest of us. The ones I attended included a lot of Boost, but also a lot of more generic C++ stuff, like clang and visual studio presented by its *developers*, research being done in transactional memory and proposals to add TM semantics to the standard.
Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Sounds interesting to be present and discuss with the Boost developers ways to
> improve collaboration. Maybe someone will finally convince them to maintain
> binary compatibility so their libraries could become *actually* useful as part
> of a larger API...
Can we similarly be convinced to adopt generic programming practices? Actually we are... we just keep re-inventing their wheels ;-)
I think the important question is not necessarily binary compatibility. I, for one, would love to be able to just *use* Boost inside Qt, in particular source-only libraries. As long as we don't touch it in our binary interface the lack of BC promise shouldn't affect us. Think TR1 and C++11-features available with legacy compilers.
But anyway, that's a big flame-war about to happen ;-)
> The discussions about C++11 and how to make the best use of the new features
> are also interesting.
> However, despite the change of name, the conference is still a Boost
> conference, at least according to the email you sent. There was absolutely no
> opening in the text for any C++ library, other than Boost and how those other
> libraries could interoperate with it.
Boost is a peer-reviewed collection of libraries. There are constantly new libraries being developed and trying to be part of the official distribution. In that sense, "Boost" is a very loose definition that can easily include a "Boost Qt Interoperability Library" or the effort to build that bridge -- both ways.
> If someone knows these people and can ask them if they are interested in
> opening up some more, I guess the Qt community would be more interested in the
> conference.
I can be a middleman, if one is needed.
> On Sunday, 30 de October de 2011 17:50:54 Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Hartmut Kaiser <hartmut.kaiser at gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:26 PM
>> Subject: [Boost-users] [C++ Now! 2012] Call for Submissions
>> To: boost-users at lists.boost.org
>> Aspen CO, USA, May 14-18, 2012, www.cppnow.org
>> We invite you to submit session proposals to the Inaugural C++ Now!
>> Conference: C++Now! 2012 (Aspen CO, USA, May 14 - 18, 2012).
>> Based on the successful traditions of 5 years of BoostCon, which was
>> the main face-to-face event for all things C++ and Boost
>> (www.boost.org), C++Now! 2012 will present leading speakers from
>> the whole C++ community. The conference name is changing to C++
>> Now! to reflect the current value of the language, the focus on its new
>> state (from the new Standard), and the need to continually look to the
>> future so the language remains useful to the C++ community.
>> The focus of this conference will be the new C++11 language Standard
>> and as usual Boost: what's new in C++, its Standard library, and in the
>> Boost libraries, how to write and maintain them, how to evangelize or
>> to deploy Boost within your organization. The new C++ Standard, but
>> also the infrastructure and process of Boost, its vision and mission -
>> no matter what you are interested in, it all comes together in the
>> C++Now! sessions. Meet the colleagues, and feel the inspiration to
>> support your work with C++ and Boost for the next year.
>> The C++ Now! Conference is dedicated to discussion and education
>> about C++, an open and free language and standard. Our Conference
>> will focus on discussion and education about open source software
>> usage and developments in the C++ developer and user community.
>> To reflect the breadth of the C++ and Boost communities, the
>> conference includes sessions aimed at three constituencies: C++ and
>> Boost end-users, hard-core Boost library and tool developers, and
>> researchers pushing the boundaries of computation. The program
>> fosters interaction and engagement within and across those groups,
>> with an emphasis on hands-on, participatory sessions.
>> As a multi-paradigm language, C++ is a melting pot where the most
>> compelling ideas from other programming communities are blended
>> in powerful ways. Historically, some of the most popular sessions at
>> C++Now! have highlighted these concepts, from DSLs to functional
>> programming to transactional memory and more. Bring your C#,
>> Python, Ruby or Haskell influences to bear in an environment that will
>> broaden their exposure.
>> New proposal submissions due: January 10th, 2012.
>> Proposals decisions sent (tentative program available): February 17th, 2012.
>> Fully scheduled program available: February 25th, 2012.
>> Session materials due: April 15th, 2012.
>> We know how much effort it takes to prepare talks for our conference.
>> For this reason we will award the best presentations in the following
>> categories: Best Presentation, Best Short Presentation, Best Tutorial,
>> and Best Workshop. The awards will be given based on the audience's
>> voting. Each award will include the author's name listed on the cover
>> of the C++Now! website for that year and a plaque containing all the
>> C++Now! conference information.
>> Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following:
>> * C++11 and how it changes life for users and library writers
>> * General tutorial sessions on C++11, the C++11 Standardslibrary,
>> and one or more Boost libraries
>> * In-depth sessions on using specific Boost libraries
>> * Case studies on using Boost
>> * Experts panels
>> * Advanced sessions on implementation techniques used within Boost
>> libraries
>> * Development workshops to extend or enhance existing Boost libraries
>> * Workshops on design process
>> * Infrastructure workshops such as Build tools, Website, Testing
>> * Concepts and Generic Programming
>> * Hardware and infrastructure presentations focused on how libraries
>> can make better use of the technology
>> * Software development tools and their application to C++ and or
>> Boost
>> * Other topics likely to be of great interest to Boost users and
>> developers
>> Interactive and collaborative sessions are encouraged, as this is the
>> style of learning and participation that has proven most successful at
>> such events. Sessions can be tutorial based, with an emphasis on
>> interaction and participant involvement, or workshop based, whether
>> hands-on programming or paper-based, discussion-driven
>> collaborative work.
>> Presentations Presentations focus on a practitioner's ideas and
>> experience with anything relevant to C++11, Boost and
>> users.
>> Panels Panels feature three or four people presenting their
>> ideas and experiences relating to C++11 and Boost's
>> relevant, controversial, emerging, or unresolved issues.
>> Panels may be conducted in several ways, such as
>> comparative, analytic, or historic.
>> Tutorials Tutorials are sessions at which instructors teach
>> conference participants specific skills relevant to
>> C++11 and Boost.
>> Workshops Workshops provide an active arena for advancements in
>> Boost-relevant topics. Workshops provide the opportunity
>> for experienced practitioners to develop new ideas about
>> a topic of common interest and experience.
>> Author's Corner These were introduced at BoostCon 2008, and were a great
>> Presentations success They are short (30 minute) sessions, focusing on
>> tips on usage and design. In addition, we're looking to
>> uncover the hidden design gems in Boost libraries.
>> Tool Vendors We actively encourage tool vendors and ISP's to submit
>> Presentations proposals for a special Tool Vendors Session Track aimed
>> at products related to Boost and C++ (compilers,
>> libraries, tools, etc.).
>> Other formats may also be of interest. Don't hold back a proposal just
>> because it doesn't fit into a pigeonhole.
>> Standard Sessions are 60 minutes. You may submit a proposal for
>> fractions or multiples of 90-minutes. Fractional proposals will be
>> grouped into 60 minute sessions covering related topics. Longer
>> sessions, such as tutorials and classes, will be assigned 90 minute,
>> three hour (i.e. half day), or six hour (i.e. full day) time slots.
>> Please include:
>> * The working title.
>> * Type of session: presentation, panel, tutorial, workshop,
>> authors corner, vendor track, other.
>> * A paragraph or two describing the topic covered, suitable for
>> the conference web site.
>> * Proposed length: 10-20 minute short talks, 45 minutes, 90
>> minutes, half day, full day.
>> * Alternate lengths, if you are willing to make adjustments: 10-
>> 20 minute short-talks, 45 minutes, 90 minutes, half-day, full
>> day.
>> * Audience: users, developers, both.
>> * Level: basic, intermediate, advanced.
>> * A biography, suitable for the conference web site.
>> * Your contact information (will not be made public).
>> All submissions should be made through the EasyChair conference
>> management system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cppnow2012.
>> If you have not already registered at EasyChair, you will need to do so in
>> order to submit your proposal.
>> All submissions will go through a peer review process.
>> Authors are invited (but are not required) to submit PDF versions of
>> full papers of up to 10 pages in ACM conference proceedings format
>> (see http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates).
>> The full papers are not required unless you want them published in
>> the proceedings.
>> All accepted proposals will be made available in the Association for
>> Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library (approval pending). Best
>> papers, after further reviews, will be considered to be book chapters
>> or journal articles in a renowned journal.
>> The session materials go on the C++Now! website and will be available
>> to attendees.
>> For general information on the C++Now! 2012 paper submission or
>> the scope of technical papers solicited, please refer to the conference
>> website at www.cppnow.org. For any other questions about the
>> submission process or paper format, please contact the Program
>> Committee at cppnow2012 at easychair.com. If you have any technical
>> problems with EasyChair, please contact EasyChair for help.
>> Note: Presenters must agree to grant a non-exclusive perpetual
>> license to publish submitted materials, either electronically or
>> in print, in any media related to C++ Now!.
>> Hartmut Kaiser, email: hartmut.kaiser at gmail.com (Program Committee Chair)
>> Dave Abrahams, email: dave at boostpro.com (Conference Chair)
>> On behalf of the conference organizers
>> _______________________________________________
>> Boost-users mailing list
>> Boost-users at lists.boost.org
>> http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users
> --
> Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
> Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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