Screensaver to be or not to be (was: Re: Security Audit Request for Screenlocker Branch)

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Tue Oct 11 18:52:36 BST 2011

On Tuesday 11 October 2011 18:02:32 Torgny Nyblom wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 October 2011 15.55.15 you wrote:
> > Am Tue, 11 Oct 2011 15:33:39 +0200
> > 
> > schrieb Torgny Nyblom <nyblom at>:
> > > Does this mean that I will be focred to use a screensaver with
> > > password unlock? If so why is that not a vaild usecase? It's what I
> > > use at home all the time.
> > 
> > "Why that?"
> > 
> > xdpms saves you power (and screen, if that would be any necessary) and
> > neither the last generation of CRTs nor any consumer quality tft "burns
> > in" - the only trouble makers would be plasma (sic! ;-) TVs which still
> > suck so much power that you should really turn them off while they're
> > not in use.
> > 
> > Locking the screen is a valid requirement, but just rendering some
> > fancy stuff (while you're not there anyway) is pointless energy (what
> > today often means "battery") wasting.
> By this argument the entire screensaver and all effects should go not just
> the lockless screensaver.
Sorry, but "effects" are not about "bling" but about improving the user 
experience. Or do you consider present windows being bling?
> In my oppinion the screensaver mode is a separate usecase then the locked
> screen one. Screensaver is bling only, where as the lock is for when you
> leave the computer in an untrusted environment and this should be active
> from when I leave, not after x min.
Yes screen saver/animation and screen locker are completely different things. 
That is exactly what this is about. I worked on a new screen locker which 
separates the animation and the locker. Therefore as I wrote having just an 
animation is a non-valid use case for the locker.

> /Regards
> Torgny
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