New Feature for kdelibs (Was: The case for a kdelibs 4.8)
Allen Winter
winter at
Mon Nov 7 22:09:34 GMT 2011
On Monday 07 November 2011 10:18:15 AM Dawit A wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:54 AM, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> > On Thursday 29 September 2011 20:01:00 Kevin Kofler wrote:
> >> But one of my points is that we need features too, not just bugfixes.
> >> Continuing 4.7.x releases solves the problem of bugfixes just fine, but
> >> entirely fails to address the issue of features.
> >
> > But who is (or would be) working on features in kdecore | kdeui | kio | kfile?
> Well this is over a month too late, but I have a enhancement change
> for kcookiejar that needs to go into kdelibs/kioslave for KDE 4.8. The
> patch has actually been pending for a merge since KDE 4.6. See
> Unfortunately, I do not know how to proceed with committing the
> kdelibs portion of the patch without actually polluting the kdelibs
> 4.7.4 version. Waiting for the final December release of the final KDE
> 4.7.4 is one approach, but then the commit would be too late for the
> feature freeze. We either need to exempt kdelibs from the upcoming
> feature freeze or I need an exemption to commit these changes past the
> freeze times currently established for KDE 4.8
I do think we are open to feature changes in kdelibs for the upcoming 4.8 release.
But those need to be handled on a case-by-case basis and investigated and discussed.
We (the Release Team) need to know about such features very soon as freezes are coming.
I'm CC'ing the release-team on this.
In this particular case, I looked at the patches involved and think we should allow them
into kdelibs-KDE/4.7 branch... Mainly it looks like this patch adds the ability to make
site cookies act like session cookies.
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