Moving nepomuk-system-tray to kdereview

Christoph Feck christoph at
Thu May 26 14:02:02 BST 2011

On Monday 17 January 2011 22:29:18 Artem Serebriyskiy wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to move Nepomuk-system-tray from playground to kdereview
> Currently project is:
> project
> page<
> ?jump=welcome> git: git at

What is the status of this project? Has it been integrated into kde-runtime?

I ask because when I install "kde-runtime" and "kdereview/nepomuk-system-tray" 
I get the following duplicate files:

-- Installing: /local/kde4/share/applications/kde4/nepomukcontroller.desktop
-- Installing: /local/kde4/bin/nepomukcontroller

If it has been integrated, I suggest that the repository is removed from 
kdereview. If not, it has to be fixed to not install the same files as kde-
runtime does.

Christoph Feck (kdepepo)
KDE Quality Team

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