Review Request: Add KMessageWidget, an alternative to KMessageBox

Hugo Pereira Da Costa hugo at
Sun May 1 11:14:46 BST 2011

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Hello Aurelien, 

Though I have nothing to say against the current design of your kmessagebox widget, something I miss in your implementation is the possibility for a widget style to override/replace your rendering. I can indeed imagine some styles (not oxygen though) for which your design might not integrate that well, notably "skulpture" for which all widgets have square corners, that won't match your nice rounded one. 

There is a mechanism to "register" custom style primitives that widget styles may or may not support, and for your custom widget to test whether the style supports the new primitive or not, allowing it to fallback to its own rendering, when not supported. I think it would be nice for your widget (and other 'custom' widgets that you'd plan to implement) to use this mechanism, for better future integration.

kdeui/kdelibs/kcapacitybar implements this mechanism (the widget appears in the statusbar of dolphin to give the available space on a given device), and oxygen (as well as bespin) actually uses it to render the capacity bar as a regular "progress bar", instead of the default implementation (which you can see by using any style but oxygen, or bespin, e.g. plastique). 

Tell me that you think, and also if needed I can help implementing if you agree with the above but are short of time to work on it.



- Hugo

On April 30, 2011, 1:10 p.m., Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 30, 2011, 1:10 p.m.)
> Review request for kdelibs.
> Summary
> -------
> KMessageWidget is a new widget which can be considered as a less intrusive alternative for KMessageBox. It was designed during KDE UX sprint 2011 ( ).
> The class documentation should make it clear how and when it can be used.
> This widget could be used by:
> - Browsers to implement their "remember password" widgets (Konqueror, Rekonq...)
> - Forms to provide feedback on validation errors
> - Bluedevil KCM to replace its custom "No Bluetooth adapter have been found" message widget
> - Nepomuk/Strigi KCM to indicate status of their services
> - Gwenview to replace its custom save bar
> - ...
> I still have a few additions in mind for the API but it is already usable and since we are freezing I think it can be merged in master in its current state. I assume it will still be possible to extend the API a bit before kdelibs 4.7 freezes for good.
> I also wrote an example program in the kdeexample repository ( ), though I am wondering whether it shouldn't be moved in kdeui/tests as it is more a manual test program than an example.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kdeui/CMakeLists.txt d1873d154f4dde92c29f2e6dab1be70d49ddb55e 
>   kdeui/widgets/kmessagewidget.h PRE-CREATION 
>   kdeui/widgets/kmessagewidget.cpp PRE-CREATION 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Screenshots
> -----------
> Montage from kmessagewidgetdemo
> Thanks,
> Aurélien

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