QZeitgeist and Phonon

Ivan Cukic ivan.cukic at kde.org
Wed Mar 16 09:47:16 GMT 2011

> > This allows making summarized (resource, app) and (resource,
> > activity) and (resource) queries.
> This is not really more detailed than what you said before. Could you
> please tell me what exactly you store in Nepomuk.

Ok, I'll try to explain in more details. If it is not sufficient, you'll 
have to say what exactly you don't get from it. (it was the thing I 
planned from the start, so in my head it is rather self-explanatory :) )

First of all, a reminder

UsageScore, as already stated, consists of:
    (and it has the last modification timestamp)


An application notifies the daemon that the resource was accessed and 
passes the following triple* to it (eventActivity, eventApplication, 

* triple as in math structure, not as in semantic triple

We check whether we already have a UsageScore instance that matches the 
input data
(activity = eventActivity, application = eventApplication, resource = 
eventResource, score = *)

If we don't {
   Create a new UsageScore instance and set the passed data, along with a
   predefined constant for the score = 0

Change the score of the existing UsageScore (the one we found if it 
existed, or the one we just created in the 'if' section above). The score 
is calculated according to the formula defined a few months ago.

I've yet to add the difference between events for open/modify/close as 
discussed before. But those will not change the data stored in N.


I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
  -- Marshall McLuhan

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