Translation in Qt5

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Thu Jun 30 23:35:24 BST 2011

A Thursday, June 30, 2011, Oswald Buddenhagen va escriure:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 09:04:40PM +0100, John Layt wrote:
> > * New QStringFormatter to solve tr() args problem.  Community to code? [I
> > don't understand the problem or solution here :-)]
> the problems to solve:
> - localization-specific string formatting, i.e., making the format part
>   of the translation (think sprintf), not hard-coded arguments to arg()
> - remove qt's dichotomy to have either an .arg().arg().arg() chain (and
>   potentially resulting double expansion problems) or only string
>   arguments when using multi-argument arg()

Our i18n system does not have the arg arg arg problem and you can use multiple 
arguments with differnt types each. (Not sure if that is what you were saying 
or not)

> > * Not yet willing to consider KDE's Transcript scripting, would prefer
> > other industry solutions to be investigated first.
> something got mangled on the way ...
> i simply don't see much point in translation scripting, having seen how
> commercial translators work (there is no frigging way they would spend
> time on properly scripting stuff). 

Why should we care about what commercal translators do or not do?

Transcript is in production and used by lots of KDE translation teams. A 
solution without it (or a similar system that supports the same syntax) is in 
my opinion an unacceptable step back.

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