Review Request: New Date/Time Widgets in kdelibs/kdeui
Jarosław Staniek
staniek at
Sat Jun 11 23:18:57 BST 2011
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missing space before const here and 4 other places
perhaps no need to have m_ prefix for attributes in the private impl class? d->m_* looks a bit too verbose
couldn't ki18nc() be used in such places and then KLocalizedString::subs() instead of QString::replace()?
- Jarosław
On June 10, 2011, 9:18 p.m., John Layt wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
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> (Updated June 10, 2011, 9:18 p.m.)
> Review request for kdelibs, KDEPIM, KPhotoAlbum, Skrooge, Zanshin, Kevin Ottens, and David Jarvie.
> Summary
> -------
> [Sorry this is a post-commit review and took so long to remember to post. Bad coder, no cookie for you!]
> This review is for some new replacement widgets for the popular KDEPIM KDateEdit and KTimeEdit widgets which were copied into a number of other projects. These new widgets are clean rewrites (the original widgets have history back to KDE2 days) with slightly changed api but otherwise should replicate the same functionality with a couple of new features. They will be available for use by any apps using kdelibs 4.7.
> The 3 new widgets are:
> KDateComboBox: A date entry widget derived from KComboBox, the drop-down menu can display a date picker and list of "fancy" dates to choose from. The list of dates can be configured.
> KTimeComboBox: A time entry widget derived from KComboBox, the drop-down menu can display a list of times to choose from. The list of times can be configured.
> KDateTimeEdit: A KDateTime entry widget combining KDateComboBox and KTimeComboBox with optional combo's to select the calendar system and time spec as well. This widget should only be used if you want time spec aware data entry.
> All widgets can accept a null or invalid input, it is up to the coder to check for validity of input using isValid() if required. All feature options of the widgets can be configured. All widgets can optionally display a warning box on focus out if the entry is invalid. All widgets can be used in Qt Designer.
> I'm particularly looking for input on the api, and what QWidget event virtual methods I should be reimplementing to make the classes BIC future-proof.
> Diffs
> -----
> kdeui/CMakeLists.txt 1e8b259
> includes/KDateComboBox PRE-CREATION
> includes/KDateTimeEdit PRE-CREATION
> includes/KTimeComboBox PRE-CREATION
> includes/CMakeLists.txt 7a8bc5c
> kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt c7b8026
> kdeui/tests/kdatecomboboxtest.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/tests/kdatecomboboxtest.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/tests/kdatetimeedittest.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/tests/kdatetimeedittest.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/tests/ktimecomboboxtest.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/tests/ktimecomboboxtest.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/kdatecombobox.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/kdatecombobox.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/kdatetimeedit.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/kdatetimeedit.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/kdatetimeedit.ui PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/ktimecombobox.h PRE-CREATION
> kdeui/widgets/ktimecombobox.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kdewidgets/kde.widgets 9040538
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Unit tests written for non-gui functionality. Gui functionality tested in Qt Designer. KDateTimeEdit still has a couple of minor bugs, but I didn't want to hold the review up any longer.
> Screenshots
> -----------
> Qt Designer Preview
> KDateComboBox
> KTimeComboBox
> Thanks,
> John
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