Native gettext support for Qt (was: Intended organization of KDE Frameworks)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jun 7 11:39:38 BST 2011

On 07.06.11 11:51:29, Manuel "Sput" Nickschas wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 June 2011 08:46:54 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > This means that if you want Tier 1 frameworks to be translatable you need
> > either to teach Qt to understand gettext files natively or to make Tier 1
> > frameworks use pure based Qt/Linguist solutions which does not fit either in
> > what scripty is able to do neither in what our translators are used to.
> Wouldn't that be a sane thing anyway? I never really understood why Qt needs 
> to have its own, completely incompatible translation system while the rest of 
> the world happily uses gettext. In Quassel, this has hurt us a lot because we 
> cannot easily tap into existing translation teams and resources. As it turns 
> out (and understandably so), translation teams like that of KDE have their 
> established workflows centered around gettext, and are not too willing to 
> start using Linguist or other tools to translate an application that is Qt-
> based.

One reason I guess is that gettext is only easily available on
Linux/*nix, but at least on Windows and MacOSX is an unknown thing. So
by having their own solution Qt apps work the same way on all platforms.


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