Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at
Tue Jul 26 09:31:50 BST 2011

> [: Mark :]
> Just a small suggestion on how i think this should be "fixed" (since 2
> desktop files for one app seems just ugly to me). Perhaps it's better to
> extend the desktop file specification:
> [...]
>   Name=System Settings
>   NativeDE=KDE
>   NameNonNative=KDE System Settings

Adding new field into .desktop specification would have a ripple effect. You
have already felt that with KDesktopFile::readName(), and it would also be
necessary to update localization systems, several of which are in use. This
means that a new field should be added to .desktop specification only when
it is obvious that it serves a general and permanent purpose. This purpose
is not such.

As for double .desktop files, I think that the ugliness of the solution
matches well the stupidity of the problem.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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