Formal complaint concerning the use of the name "System Settings" by GNOME

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at
Mon Jul 25 11:19:19 BST 2011

On 07/24/2011 09:10 PM, Michael Jansen wrote:
> I btw. agree that a kde application outside of a kde workspace should 
> be self contained. We could solve that problem btw inside of the kde 
> framework even. As Martin masterfully proved systemsettings is a 
> workspace application and should not be be required outside of a full 
> kde workspace (if someone decides to install it intentionally it 
> should still work so the original problem has to be solved anyway.) A 
> application could recognize that it is run outside of an active kde 
> workspace and add all needed kcms (which should be as less as possible 
> ) to its settings menu in that case. But we should really try to 
> respect of the active workspaces settings as possible therefore making 
> as muss kcms as possible useless in such an environment. Mike

Given that, it seems clear to me that all "important" and "shared" KCMs 
should live in kde-runtime. Isn't it?


Andrea Diamantini, adjam
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