Merge or Cherry-Pick?

Ian Monroe ian at
Thu Feb 10 14:53:08 GMT 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 04:31, Johannes Sixt <j.sixt at> wrote:
> Am 2/10/2011 10:40, schrieb Ben Cooksley:
>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Johannes Sixt <j.sixt at> wrote:
>>>  git push origin KDE/4.6
>> This is wrong, as it would try to push the content of HEAD (the merge
>> of origin/KDE/4.6 into a checkout of origin/master) into KDE/4.6.
> Now you made me think about it. But, no, it is correct:
>  git push remote branch
> is always a shorthand for
>  git push remote branch:branch
> regardless of the push.default configuration setting. Therefore, the
> command I gave pushes the local KDE/4.6 branch to the remote KDE/4.6
> branch, regardless what you have checked out.

Which is why I think these shorthands are just really confusing and
urge folks to just be explicit in everything. Certainly it isn't
obvious that git push remote branch doesn't does the same thing
regardless of what branch you have checked out. But if you did git
push origin KDE/4.6:KDE/4.6 you know exactly what you are doing.

But shorthand commands like `git pull --rebase` remain popular, and
everyone confused.


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