Suggestions for some KDE default options

Eike Hein hein at
Tue Dec 13 11:52:08 GMT 2011

On 12/13/2011 6:35 AM, Thomas Zander wrote:
> The suggestion to overlook bad behavior is therefore completely the opposite
> to our ideas of what makes KDE tick. A person that is insulting to other
> peoples accomplishments, and has no accomplishments to show of their own, is
> someone that thus breaks down our community.

I agree with that - and to criticize my original
reply in this thread, shortly after I sent it I
realized that I should have included a link to
the Code of Conduct document and pointed out that
the behavior shown in the mail I was disrespect-
ful to others.

My immediate concern was stopping cold a possible
flame thread, but I could have used the opportu-
nity to explain to Bartolomé what he was doing
wrong and how he could communicate more effectively
in the future.

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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