kdeutils has migrated to git
Raphael Kubo da Costa
kubito at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 20:48:09 BST 2011
Hello there,
kdeutils has (mostly) finished its migration to git. SVN now only holds
MOVED_TO_GIT files which point to the git repositories.
Each application (ark, filelight, kcalc, kcharselect, kfloppy, kgpg,
kremotecontrol, ktimer, kwallet, printer-applet, superkaramba, sweeper)
has its own git repository. It should also be possible to build
everything as a single module too. For now, I have created a scratch git
repository with the files which used to be in the top-level kdeutils
directory in SVN, so you can just use the CMakeLists.txt there to build
everything (there are no inter-repository dependencies, that is, there
is no libkdeutils).
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