Git Feature Branch Naming Policy

Shaun Reich predator106 at
Tue Apr 26 18:53:09 BST 2011

>> I'd prefer to see the gsoc branches under a common prefix in the main
>> project repo rather than as personal branches or repos:

I think that's a good idea too, especially given (below).

>>   origin/gsoc2011/<subproject>/<branchname>

Probably don't need subproject, since the branch name will
probably/should tell you all you need to know.

> Why this long name with multiple namespaces, the branches should be deleted
> once merged so we won't have a collection of old soc branches around for long?

Ideally, yes. But as for the branches themselves being merged, or even
in a timely matter, that's a different story, as I'm sure there are
many the project only being half done and the
gsoc'er leaving (sadly), etc.. It even has other benefits, like "where
do I go to look at the code for ___ project?", and it's all right
there. As opposed to a personal clone under somebody's name. Note we
had a similar situation in svn, except it was less namespaced and more

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (

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