Seeking interview subjects for British Linux magazine

Alex Handy ahandy at
Tue Apr 19 20:26:28 BST 2011

Hello, KDE folk. I have been tasked with doing interviews with KDE 
developers for the British Linux User and Developer magazine. I'm 
looking for 5 to 7 KDE developers spread across all the various teams to 
interview about the projects they're working on, and the future of their 
efforts. These interviews would be about 10 questions each, and would be 
conducted over email.

Here's some of the questions:

Why do you contribute to KDE?

What's the toughest bug you've had to track down on your project?

How will mobile platforms affect the future plans for your project?

Why does KDE's developer community work, as compared to some other 
communities out there? What's so great about the organization of KDE?

What was your first contribution of code to KDE?

What was your first computer?

What do you think Linux needs more than anything else right now?

We'll also want a photo of you and your team if that's possible. Again, 
I'd like to interview people across KDE, from the core team to the KHTML 
folks, to mobile developers, to the people who run your git services.

Please email me back if you are interested and I will send out the email 
questionaire asap.

Alex Handy
Senior Editor
Software Development Times
763 15th St. Oakland, CA 94612
Mobile: 510-282-4840
I exist in Pacific Time.

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