Review Request: ActionProperties merging fix

David Faure faure at
Thu Oct 21 21:48:40 BST 2010

> On 2010-07-07 15:04:28, David Faure wrote:
> > Hmm, yeah, I'm not surprised, ActionProperties for shortcuts were only added for saving the user's changes.
> > Can you explain why you install a global file with shortcuts, rather than calling kaction->setShortcut? Just curious.
> Andras Mantia wrote:
>     KDevelop overrides Katepart shortcuts so it can use its own instead of them. I assume the reason why it is not done in code (like I did in KDE3 days with Quanta) is to avoid Katepart specific code in KDevelop. Right now it only deals through the KTextEditor interface with the katepart.

Well installing a "katepartui.rc" _is_ having katepart-specific code in KDevelop :-) OK, not C++ code, but still.

- David

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On 2010-07-06 20:58:39, Andras Mantia wrote:
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> (Updated 2010-07-06 20:58:39)
> Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.
> Summary
> -------
> When using replaceXMLFile (but it might happen in any case when setXMLFile is called on a gui client), the code tries to copy over the local ActionProperties section to the global one, so it doesn't get lost if the global file has a higher version number. Unfortunately when doing so, it removed all ActionProperties from the global file. This way it is not possible to have global xmlui files containing ActionProperties. 
> The patch fixes it, by only removing the properties of those actions that are present in the local file as well. This way user shortcut changes are preserved, even if the global file comes with different shortcuts, and global shortcuts are taken in account if they were not overwritten by the user. I suppose this was the intended behavior.
> Diffs
> -----
>   /trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguiversionhandler.cpp 1146838 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> I did some basic testing with KDevelop, that has this code (view is a KTextEditor view, a KXMLGuiClient):
>         //in KDE >= 4.4 we can use KXMLGuiClient::replaceXMLFile to provide
>         //katepart with out own restructured UI configuration
>         QStringList katePartUIs = KGlobal::mainComponent().dirs()->findAllResources("data", "kdevelop/katepartui.rc");
>         const QString katePartUI = katePartUIs.last();
>         const QString katePartLocalUI = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data", "kdevelop/katepartui.rc");
>         view->replaceXMLFile(katePartUI, katePartLocalUI);
> Thanks,
> Andras

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